Dear fellow PTA members,
Greetings to you all! Wishing you a nice summer holiday!
As you may know the Education Bureau Government Secretariat, HKSAR announced that the daily Rapid Antigen Test arrangements will continue from 1 September 2022 until further notice.
GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! We would like to announce the following privilege will be extended to our St. Paul’s Convent School Parent-Teacher Association members from PHASE Scientific Int’l Ltd to purchase the INDICAID Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit, which is approved by the HKSAR and it has received a number of international certification/authorization.
This special offer of INDICAID Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit to all 2021-2022 Form 1 to Form 5 PTA members. This is a one-time discount and must be ordered directly by SPCS PTA!

The minimum order is one box of 25 test kits at HK$200, the average price is HK$8 per kit
The INDICAID Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kit will be available in early September. If you are interested, please complete the Google form ( ) before 30 August 2022. After completion, a confirmation email will be sent (including pick-up date, time and collection slip). Please ask your daughter to bring the cheque and collection slip to pick up the test kits at school.
It is optional for parents/guardians to order INDICAID RAT through PTA. For RAT selection guidance, please refer to the website ( We highly recommend and encourage all parents to have your children vaccinated. Stay safe and healthy.
Should you have any queries, please kindly contact us via or WhatsApp @6137-5857.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Best regards,
SPCS PTA Executive Committee