Mission and Vision

School Vision
The school aims to provide a seamless bilingual education for girls in a happy and motivating learning environment so that they will learn to embrace the Paulinian heritage of truth, beauty, goodness, nobility and honour.

School Mission
The school aims at providing an all-round education, based on Christian values, that enhances the quality of life, both spiritually and materially, for our Paulinians so that they can contribute positively to their home, profession and society with charity, conscience, confidence, courage, creativity, competence and commitment.

PTA Mission
To support the mission and vision of the School to provide an all round education to students so that they can contribute positively to their home, profession and society;
To promote close collaboration and partnership between Home and School, enhancing communication and exchange of views in matters of mutual concerns; and
To foster a concerted effort both at Home and in School in enhancing the effectiveness and improving the welfare of students.