The 10 positive emotions that change your life – 提升生命力的十種正能量 (22.03.2012)

We are pleased that 71 parents and 10 students gathered at the School on March 22, 2012 to attend the seminar on “The 10 positive emotions that change your life – 提升生命力的十種正能量”presented by our guest speaker, Mr. Eddie Lo. Mr. Lo is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and a Visiting Lecturer to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  He is very experienced in conducting talks on parenting. 

During the seminar Mr Lo has shared with us the concepts, ideas, and practical examples on how to develop positive emotions that will change the lives and lay a good foundation for people to face challenges, stresses, and pressure in the future. The seminar was well received by participants. A high score on the usefulness of the seminar to our daughters as well as to participants was rated by parents who returned the evaluation forms after the event.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Ho for sharing his professional knowledge and insights with us. Gratitude also goes to all the participants for their attendance as well as PTA executive committee members and parent volunteers for dedicating time and efforts to make this event a great success.