Seminar on “Sex and love: How you can help your teenager to live a pure life in an impure world” (11.10.2013)

On Oct 11, 2013, it was our honor to have invited a group of energetic young presenters from the International Travel Team of Generation Life to give a talk in English on the subject of Love and Sex.  We are pleased to note that about 50 parents, some of them accompanied by daughters, turned up in the event.
The session was commenced immediately after a silent prayer led by the presenters.
All the young presenters from Generation Life have a passion to build a Culture of Life.  They conveyed the message of chastity by encouraging teenagers to lead virtuous lives.  The presenters shared with our parents their thoughts as young adults and suggested effective means for parents to communicate with their daughters on the subject of sex.  The session was interactive and the parents and presenters did share some real life experience on effective communication.  The presenters also advised the parents to be mindful of protecting their daughters by educating them with the right values on love and sex which would be the best lifelong gift for their daughters. 
The presentation ended with a solemn prayer. 
In the end of the session, Generation Life introduced some good reference books like Pure Manhood, Pure Womanhood to our parents.  All parents were keen to read the books and many of them bought some books by making donation.
Generation Life is at the forefront of the effort to rebuild the culture of character and virtue among the rising generation.  We desire to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the effort Generation Life has ever made to help young men and women lead holier and happier lives by embracing the message of saving sex for marriage.
Lastly but not least, we wish to express our thanks to all parents for their attendance as well as the PTA executive committee members and parent volunteers for dedicating their time and making efforts to make this event successful.