Parent Volunteer Briefing (11.11.2023)

St. Paul’s Convent School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) recruits parent volunteers and team leaders every year to support the School and PTA activities held during the academic year.

Starting the academic year, 2023-2024, we were happy to have more than 78 parent volunteers attending the Briefing Session held on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at G7 of the School.

Ms. Jennifer Lam, Chairlady of PTA, Ms. Annette Lau, Vice-Chairlady of PTA, and representatives from our Executive Committee (“ExCo”) welcomed all parent volunteers and thanked them for their commitment and assistance to PTA. This year, we are very pleased to have 20 team leaders acting as coordinators of our parent volunteer groups. Each of them gave a brief self-introduction and shared their experiences and thoughts on how they can contribute to PTA.

Dr. Bryan Wong and Ms. Athena Chong updated the audience on the activities in the Community Service Programme. We visited senior homes where gifts and fun activities were organized for the residents.

Sustainability is becoming an important part of our daily life, hence the “Green Campaign” co-organized by the School and PTA is a vital part of education for our students. Ms. Bonnie Chan and Ms. May Ho reported on the success of campaign where a large amount recycling items in excellent conditions were collected and donated to Caritas Rehabilitation Service for the underprivileged.

Ms. Carey Tsui shared with the audience about the seminars that PTA had provided in the past year which were well attended, in particular AI, deep learning and cybersecurity; while Ms. Athena Chong recounted on the educational exchange event with the 129 teachers from Mainland China. Aside from work exchange, the Mainland Chinese teachers were brought by our parent volunteers to visit different parts of Hong Kong to further understand the culture and history of this amazing city.

Last but not least, Ms. Candy Luk presented a briefing on the 75th School Speech Festival and some of the expected participation from our parent volunteers and Ms. Maria Hui promoted the Rooftop Garden and shared photos of the fruits of the hard work. Audiences were invited to see the Garden after the meeting.

Success in all the activities organized by the school and PTA depends very much on a strong participation and dedication from team leaders and parent volunteers. PTA regards the partnership of parents with the school as key and helps contribute to our students’ success. Let us all work together and stay positive to embrace another successful year ahead!